COLUMN: Students won’t change

Jared Strong

Fern Kupfer set the sarcastic tone of her guest column when she wrote, “This means you: the guys with your hats on backward!” Fern, you’re an intelligent woman.

What were you hoping to accomplish with your writing? Judging by the overwhelmingly negative feedback, if you’re goal wasn’t to enrage students, you failed. The information presented in Kupfer’s column is certainly nothing new.

Everyone knows that yelling obscenities and puking in public, littering, over-consumption of alcohol, and speeding are not activities which warrant praise.

Sadly, Kupfer spent a majority of her column condemning such activities while avoiding commentary on debatable topics.

Kupfer mentions three issues facing the community which her organization, SCAN, supports: zoning, couch ordinances, and drink special bans.

Of the three, Kupfer comments only on zoning.

We know you didn’t invent zoning ordinances.

However, students tend to get a little upset when they are fined large amounts of money and forced to move on short notice because their landlords acted inappropriately. Is this hard to understand?

The issue of zoning has never been about whether the ordinances should exist.

As you so kindly pointed out to the readers lacking any kind of cognitive ability, strip clubs should not be built in a family neighborhood.

However, I must question zoning decisions the city has made. Students visit campus periodically throughout each day. For many, driving to and from campus is not feasible.

For this reason, it’s necessary for students to live within walking distance of the university. I live roughly two blocks from campus.

It’s an ideal location for any college student. Unfortunately, my neighborhood is zoned low-density. Why are some of the areas closest to campus zoned to accommodate families?

Campustown is very student-oriented. Its close proximity to campus, fraternity houses, dormitories, bars and businesses make it a great area for students to live. Kupfer could live in Campustown for 100 more years, and it wouldn’t change this fact.

I will agree with Kupfer on one point — having couches outside can be a problem.

If you want to take our comfortable outside seating from us, fine, but don’t take our cheap booze! Banning drink specials does nothing to curb binge drinking. Many college students choose to drink heavily and glorify it. It’s just a phase — deal with it!

Fern, your column says one thing to me, “Coexist with me; I’m not coexisting with you.”

You complain about our “culture of disrespect and entitlement,” yet you demonstrate that same kind of mindset.

If this wasn’t your intention, find a more appropriate means of conveying your ideas. Cut out the sarcasm and get to the point.

It seems you revel in the fact that lots of students are talking about you; it’s immature and counterproductive.

Jared Strong is a senior in computer science from Atlantic.