Sexual assault among blacks addressed in film

Stefanie Peterson

One in three women will be raped in their lifetime.

These and many other sexual assault and rape statistics often seem meaningless without an actual person to associate them to. Aishah Shahidah Simmons, a self-proclaimed “black feminist lesbian” gave voices and faces to those numbers Tuesday night at “No! Addressing Rape and Sexual Assault in the African American Community.”

The forum featured Simmons’ documentary, “No!” which provides testimony by black women who have survived sexual assault and rape.

One woman told of how she began having sex at the age of 11, before she even knew what intercourse was. She had sex with the same individual four times before the act became nonconsensual. Despite her repeated attempts to leave, she was raped and kept the incident a secret for years.

Another woman was sexually assaulted by an ex-boyfriend who came to pick up his belongings after their breakup. She was president of the Black Student Alliance on her college campus at the time and felt her reputation would be compromised if the incident became public.

That woman’s story touched Nicole Edmond, senior in biology, who heard of Simmons and worked to bring her to campus.

“She feared that [the incident] would destroy the black community on her campus,” she said. “She felt that because she was part of a marginalized racial group, she couldn’t speak out. These testimonies were more powerful than I may have imagined.”

The 74-minute video tackled topics like incense, lynching, the civil rights movement and lesbian feminism. Simmons has been working on the film for ten years and said it is still a work in progress.