Two stabbed in Bandshell Park

Jill Sederstrom

An unknown female suspect is in custody after two people were stabbed Wednesday night in Bandshell Park off the intersection of Duff Avenue and 6th Street.

An unknown male and female were sent to Mary Greeley Medical Center with stab wounds. The female suffered a laceration to the hand, and the male suffered a laceration to the shoulder. No names or ages had been released as of Wednesday night, although Ames Police Cmdr. Jim Robinson said it appeared the people involved were adults.

He said police found two knives at the scene. One knife was found near a CyRide bus stop off Duff Avenue in front of the Park Plaza building.

“We have quite a bit of blood at the scene here,” Robinson said.

Blood spots could be seen on the sidewalk along Duff Avenue between Bandshell Park and the bus stop.

Ames Police received a call at 8:04 p.m. Wednesday from a caller who said two females were in an argument at Bandshell Park, one of whom had blood on her. Robinson said officers responded to the scene within six minutes.

Robinson said the motive behind the stabbings was not known. It was also not known whether the people involved knew each other. Robinson said police were interviewing witnesses to determine these facts.

Evan Bartusek, senior in exercise and sport science and resident of 612 Duff Ave., said he was home during the time of the incident but did not hear any noise that was out of the ordinary.