Search begins for new dean

Katie Drake

The process of searching for a new dean for the College of Family and Consumer Sciences has already begun.

Carol Meeks, FCS dean, is stepping down from the position to head Iowa State’s Center for Family Policy. Provost Benjamin Allen said he expects to have a new dean for the college by summer 2004.

The process of finding a new dean will consist of three stages.

Allen first plans to meet with leaders in the FCS college to discuss the general makeup of the search committee and ask for recommendations of individuals to serve on the committee.

“We have certain types of constituencies we think should be represented,” he said.

Allen said the committee should include students, faculty and alumni.

In the second stage, the committee members will meet during the summer to come up with a position description for applicants.

The final stage will be the actual search for a new dean.

Allen said he doesn’t know how many applicants to expect, but he hopes to have a large number of quality individuals apply for the position.

“I want the committee to work very hard to get the best possible applicants,” he said.

Allen said the search committee will identify three to five quality applicants out of everyone who applies. These individuals will then visit campus for a series of interviews.

Meeks said the new dean’s responsibilities will include strategic planning, hiring and retention of faculty and the budget.

“[The dean] must have a good understanding of the programs within the college and they have to somehow sell that product,” she said.

Allen said he has high expectations for the search.

“This is a very important search and we want to make sure we do it right,” he said. “I think it will be very successful.”

Allen said the FCS college is fortunate to have Pamela White serve as interim dean.

White, who takes over July 1, said she is looking forward to the year ahead.

“I think it will be a very exciting and challenging year,” she said.