Varieties’ Grand Champion crowned Saturday
“The Other Side” is a mini-musical about a company that has a strict dress code which requires all employees to wear only gray colored outfits. One of the new hires tries to break the rule and add some color to the company environment. Varieties was held on Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.
February 24, 2019
The 88th annual Varieties, this year based around the theme “Tradition Lives On,” came to a close this weekend.
Mini-musical “The Other Side” took the title of Grand Champions at this year’s competition. The pairing was made up of Farmhouse, Chi Omega, Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta.
“The Other Side” told the story of a company with a strict dress code, forcing its employees to only wear gray colored clothing and refusing to change. That is, until the company hires a new employee who wants to break the rules and add some color to their work life.
Pairings for the mini-musicals began practicing their lyrics and choreography for the competition this past October with an exhibition in November. The pairings competed at Varieties Semi-Finals on Feb. 8 and 9, but due to low turn out from competitors, all the groups made it to the final performance.
Other pairings in the finals were “Alive in the 515,” an ironically named murder-mystery, and “A Trip Down Memory Lane,” a story of two generations of Varieties participants. “Haunted by Tradition” followed a newlywed couple moving into a mansion haunted by their ancestors’ ghosts. The last performance followed a group of young students trying to win a contest at their training school in the aptly named “Spy High.”
With less incentive than other greek competitions and students finding themselves increasingly busier with school work, the 88th Varieties had lower participation than in previous years.
However, Kate Price, a senior in marketing and advertising and director of Varieties, isn’t worried about the future of the long-running competition.
“Varieties pulls on everyone’s heartstrings because of how long it’s been happening, and though it may have to change and adapt to keep up with student interest, it’s a tradition that I think will really continue,” Price said.