LETTER:Yet another way to condemn gays

Jared Strong

Picture yourself as a homosexual. While trying to escape a lifestyle of persecution, you join a rehabilitation clinic to turn you “straight.” Yes, friends, by the grace of God and wonderful therapy, you too, can be “normal.” Catching the sarcasm? I hope so, because I’m laying it on pretty thick.

People like Regina Griggs (“Ex-gays worthy of respect as well,” Tuesday’s Daily) and her organization provide false hope to homosexuals that want nothing more in the world than to be accepted by society. For you heterosexuals, like me, do you think you could be converted to homosexuality?

I didn’t think so. Some gays have gone through such programs and have not been “cured,” lost all hope, and decided to take their own life.

It’s no wonder that gays are angry with ex-gays. These people were either not really gay to begin with, or are lying about being straight now. They are sending a wrong message to all people that condemn homosexuality. They are simply fueling the “cleansing” fire and leading people to be less and less accepting of this alternative lifestyle.

I have absolutely no problem with gay men or lesbian women, and I do not think they should have the added burden of being expected to change their ways. There is more than one way to condemn and persecute homosexuals, and this is one of them.

Jared Strong


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