Speaker to discuss impact of free trade on global economy

Jessica Anderson

Aspects of free trade will be discussed by an advocate with the Global Exchange Thursday as part of Free Trade Week.

Melissa Schweisguth, fair trade coordinator at Global Exchange in San Francisco, will be speaking Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Oak Room of the Memorial Union about “The Coffee Crisis and Fair Trade.”

This event is aimed at “anyone interested in knowing about the global economy and how we can change things for the better,” said Jeff Hall, faculty adviser of the ISU Campus Greens.

“There is a small, but loyal, support of free trade in Ames and we hope to foster a larger awareness of how fair trade is a viable alternative to other markets,” said Jonathan Mullin, president of the local chapter of Amnesty International.

“It is amazing how purchasing fair trade goods takes almost no more effort or price, but can provide a once starving family food and education.”

Mullin, junior in biochemistry, said he anticipates a 30 to 50 minute lecture followed by a question/answer session.

“The goal is to raise awareness of fair trade and how people around the world are suffering from unequal trade,” Hall said.

Mullin said students have a lot to gain from Schweisguth’s speech.

“Iowa State students are active members of the economy and as such make many decisions on what to purchase,” Mullin said. “We hope to inform people that some of those purchases might help people get a living wage, while other purchases will not.”

Schweisguth currently coordinates grassroots advocacy for the Folger’s and M&M/Mars campaigns. In the past, she has worked at the University of California-San Diego, where she coordinated the recycling and energy campaigns for the Campus Greens. She was also the regional coordinator for the Free Burma Coalition’s corporate accountability campaign.