LETTER:Maybe the `lazy’ should stop reading Daily

Dan Vlasak

It’s sad that I am forced to write an opinion letter on such a trivial subject, but the Daily editorial board needs to be put in their place. Friday’s editorial opinion section trashed the idea of building more parking spaces on campus, and at the same time promoted how fantastic CyRide is, and will be.

First off, if you’re going to call 65 percent of your readers “lazy,” why should that 65 percent of students read your publication at all? Second, if the editorial board hates cars so much (I’m assuming because they use gas), why haven’t I seen an editorial opinion asking why the internal combustion engine is still in use? Third, maybe I don’t want to pay overly inflated rent prices for an apartment near campus. Fourth, “in my opinion,” CyRide is not fantastic, but far from it. Let’s see, I can’t go when I want, sometimes on your way to the stop they leave without you. This happened to me on numerous occasions, not because I was late, but because the drivers were in a hurry.

Lastly, CyRide is one of the most awkward environments to be in if you don’t know anyone, and I think some people know what I’m talking about. Bottom line, don’t ever call hard working college students, trying to better themselves, “lazy” again, or I will stop reading your publication.

Dan Vlasak


Computer Science