Students to give Veishea band input

Jyni Ekins

Choosing bands with mass appeal to take center stage at Veishea can be a difficult task – but this year, all students have the chance to voice their ideas.

The Veishea entertainment committee has posted a survey on the Veishea Web site to allow students to share their band suggestions. This is the second year the survey has been online.

“The survey is one of the major things we can do to get more people involved,” said B.J. Fuhrman, Veishea entertainment co-chair.

Student input is very important to the committee, said Quinn Showalter, entertainment co-chair.

“A lot of thought is given into what students want to do,” said Showalter, senior in agricultural studies. “We are looking into a lot of options at this point. It depends on what students want. It has an impact on what we do.”

The 12-member committee, which has been meeting since mid-October, is hoping for a better survey response this year, Showalter said. He said he expects between 500 and 1,000 people to respond.

“I think we are doing a better job of advertising this year,” he said. “If we can get a higher number of responses, I’d be thrilled.”

Students who participate in the survey will be entered in a raffle drawing.

“We’re going to be offering free tickets for the shows,” said Fuhrman, senior in agricultural studies.

It isn’t easy to book bands, Showalter said.

“A lot of it has to do with our budget,” he said. “It’s hard for people to understand that we can’t always get bands. It depends on who is touring and how much they cost. We only have two days to work with, so that makes it more difficult.”

The budget hasn’t been released yet, but it should be available by the beginning of next week, Showalter said. The committee will then begin looking at acts they can get, and Showalter said he expects the budget to be about the same as last year.

Showalter said some of the bands that have been suggested include Dave Matthews, AC/DC, The Nadas, Blink 182, Sheryl Crow, Limp Bizkit and U2.

“We are working hard to get somebody who will appeal to a larger number of students,” Showalter said.

The entertainment committee also sponsors activities on Welch Avenue, a barbecue and activities on Central Campus the week before Veishea and Battle of the Bands.

Fuhrman said the survey is easy and only about 10 questions long. It will be on the Web site through Christmas at

Fuhrman said he hopes student input will result in “larger turnouts at the events.”