Recent letters showcase ignorance

Greg Jerrett

Since Sept. 11, America has felt like a very different place. We have been shaken to the core and only clich‚s seem to come out of our mouths, though we try to be eloquent. It’s like somebody turned off the gravity and most of us can’t tell up from down. The best any of us can do is try to find our bearings through talking and gathering information and, yes, the occasional forum helps.

In times of national crisis in America, one thing is constant and that is finger-pointing. Just ask letter writers to the Daily who enjoy making Judas goats out of college journalists because Dan Rather doesn’t answer his mail.

James Olderding said in his letter of Sept. 20 that, well, what did he say, Wes Griffin should join up if he’s worried about his buddy, Jason Bruen should not use hyperbole to describe his dread fears of global conflict and Cavan Reagan should cease considering moderate solutions because, to use Olderding’s own hyperbole, “we are at war.”

Apparently Mr. Olderding’s only real point is he doesn’t like “touchy-feely” crap or discussion forums interfering with his war buzz. Lighten up, Jimmy.

To quote the Bard, “these children that you spit on as they try to change their world are immune to your consultation. They’re quite aware of what they’re going through. Ch-ch-ch-ch changes.”

It’s easy to rant and rave, Mr. Olderding. It’s tough to put your thoughts and feelings in print during a crisis without spraying fudge everywhere. I know who the men and women are, too, and not all of them wear Army green.

Alex Rodeck, for the love of God, switch to decaf because your twitchy, paranoid ravings about “vibrations in the ground” are just scaring the children.

“It’s time to act, not react .” What? Chill out and do something life-affirming buddy, the Campanile isn’t going to burst into flames anytime soon.

Regarding Matthew Saylor’s crude and offensive letter regarding Carmen Cerra’s skills as a cartoonist, I can only say, Jack, you wouldn’t know talent if it bit you on the can. Carmen Cerra is many things to many people, but one thing is certain – his ability to create thought-provoking political cartoons takes a back seat to no one.

The fact that you don’t like what he makes you think about doesn’t mean he isn’t monstrously talented. Exactly how many of these “many years” have you been a sophomore?

It isn’t easy for any journalist to work under these conditions and if they fall short of some imagined benchmarks posited by unqualified peers and alumni. Let me assure you the Daily has done some fine work since Sept. 11.

Greg Jerrett


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