Students can make impact on campus

Angie Chipman

I was taking a walk on campus Friday morning to help clear my head. I needed to think about my future.

Both my future next year here as a Super Senior and my future after I graduate.

The idea of taking on another year in college (outside of grad school, which will be another challenge down the road) with the impending budget cuts and tuition increase in response just doesn’t really sit well in my mind or pocket book.

Is there anything I can do about the budget cuts or tuition increase, though?

I’m just one student, with one voice and absolutely no political power to use as a playing card to get ahead at the moment.

My walk around campus gave me a lot of insight into part of the problem I can control, however.

This may be hard to believe but, what could save certain programs from getting cut or numerous faculty positions from being wiped off the board is the students here at Iowa State.

Students, including myself, need to take responsibility for our actions.

I know you’re thinking to yourself, how in the world does what I do have any impact on what the university does?

Take a look around you on campus some time by the Hub.

Trash is everywhere on campus lawns.

Many of the grass lawns have been destroyed and need to be re-seeded due to never ending “follow the leader” type foot traffic.

University property, especially in the Residence Halls, is destroyed for fun on a weekly basis.

I’m not saying that it is any one particular person or event that has caused our budgets to skyrocket over the past couple of years, but when you look at a year total for all the costs that could be greatly reduced by students taking care of the things around them, that stuff really adds up.

Please, next time you try for that “three point” shot with your wadded up test that was just handed back and you miss, bend down and pick it up.

With just a little consideration for stuff most of us take for granted, we could make a huge difference for the upcoming generation of students to come here for college.

I may be just one student with one voice but, I’ve got two little hands and two little feet that I’m going to use to better my community with.

I hope you will want to do the same.

Angie Chipman

