RCA redesigns government

Jill Pearson

Richardson Court Association recently redesigned its government system in an effort to increase quality participation in residence hall government.

“We will be limiting the number of people involved in government,” said Richardson Court Association President Andy Walling. “We are getting people who want to be responsible into responsible positions.”

The bill passed RCA senate approval during its meeting Monday night and will go into effect 20 days after the Inter-Residence Hall Association elections on April 3.

Walling said the current system doesn’t work because there are too many people involved. The new system will not only limit the number people in the senate, but also will require representatives to be elected instead of nominated.

Chris Knight, RCA at-large, said the new arrangement will be much more responsive than the current system. “Instead of bringing students to the government, we will be bringing the government to the students,” he said.

Under the new government, presidents of each building will attend constituency council meetings on a regular basis while fulfilling their IRHA duties, Walling said.

RCA Vice President Paul Heil said the innovative plan has been in the works since the beginning of fall semester. “We have made a hybrid between what we had and what other schools had,” he said.

There are currently 57 vice presidents in the RCA assembly and eleven members on the executive council, Heil said. There will now only be three representatives per hall in each of the seven halls.

Walling said he is excited for the system’s implementation, especially after the positive response from his assembly.

“There was a lot of popular support for this new system, and there were a lot of ideas for it,” he said. “We acknowledged that it is not gonna be perfect, but it is better than what was in place.”

Heil said the system will help facilitate discussion and get people more interested in student government positions.

“We will take those that are most interested and most involved and use them,” he said. “There will be a lot of discussion of ideas and [getting] information back to the halls better.”

Representatives from Towers Residence Association and Union Drive Association said Walling has put in a substantial amount of time to make the new government system a success.

“It looks like a very stable and great government,” TRA President Tony Luken said.

Rick Cordaro, UDA president, echoed Luken’s thoughts, and said RCA is adapting to meet students’ needs.

“I think its really exciting,” he said. “RCA has a unique situation in that it is so big and spread out. It makes communications harder, but under this new structure, which is based on the buildings, that should improve.”

Although the structure is in a trial period now, Cordaro said he thinks it will be successful.