IRHA to consider terms and conditions

Jill Pearson

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will get their first look at 2001-2002 Terms and Conditions at their meeting tonight.Parliament members will review the proposed room and board increases, which also involves a juice bill, said Steve Skutnik, IRHA vice president. The juice bill was passed Oct. 26 to provide residence hall students with juice at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The current bill dealing with juice will allow parliament to decide how the bill will be implemented, he said.Also, a bill to purchase a new computer and a copy machine for the IRHA office will be introduced. David Boike, Union Drive Association at-large, said he co-wrote the bill which will cut down on the expenses and inconvenience of weekly copying.He said the current computer in the IRHA office is in need of replacement.”I don’t foresee any problem with this bill as it will benefit everyone,” Boike said.Eric Larson, Storms Hall representative, said he will introduce a bill which will request funding for a conference held at Iowa State. The conference will be open to all residents as well as high school students who would be interested in living in residence halls, and will be held March 31. The Academic Affairs committee is organizing the conference.Natasha Krentz, director of academic affairs, said the bill asks for $1,500 from the discretionary fund. Other funds will come from the Academic Affairs budget since the committee will be organizing the event, she said.”Because of the amount we are requesting, I don’t see a problem with the bill,” Krentz said. “The only problem I see is that some IRHA members might not like the fact that high school students will be involved because they are not yet residents.”The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in the Oak Room of the Memorial Union.