IRHA will reconsider juice bill

Jill Pearson

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will be introduced to a bill which will review the 2001-2002 Terms and Conditions. The bill will be presented during their meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the Wallace-Wilson Conference Room in Towers Residence Association.Richardson Court Association President Andy Walling said he does not foresee problems with the Terms and Conditions because the proposed increases are fairly standard.”Students expect a five percent increase,” he said, “but what will be interesting is the bringing up of the juice bill again.”Walling said he was opposed to the juice bill earlier this fall, and he feels his residents are still not in favor of having juice at each meal.”I talked to my assembly Monday night about whether they wanted juice or not, and every person was against it,” he said.The juice bill was voted on Oct. 26 by parliament last semester. It would have provided residence hall students with juice at every meal, instead of just breakfast. IRHA had left the details of the bill up to the Department of Residence as to how is should be implemented for the lowest cost. The juice bill has now resurfaced because the cost of the juice would be included in room and board increases.IRHA President Paul Duncan said the juice bill will now have to pass by two-thirds, instead of a majority vote. This is due to the approval of a recent bill requiring parliament to pass legislation dealing with room and board increases by a vote of two-thirds, he said. “I hope we have the juice bill pass because it is a good quality of life improvement for the residents,” he said.