GSB calls special session to wrap up semester

Steven Brittain

The Government of the Student Body will hold a special session of the senate Wednesday night so it can wrap up several issues before the semester ends.Lisa Dlouhy, GSB vice president, said that the senate usually doesn’t meet during Dead Week.”We didn’t have a choice,” she said. “According to our bylaws and our constitution, we have to have certain things dealt with by the end of the semester. We have a couple of pieces of legislation that need to be voted on, the rules committee will present their report on contracts and we’ll discuss apportionment by the election commissioner.”Legislation to seat Chris Wisher as the election commissioner has been postponed until now, said Alex Olson, off campus, and needs to be taken care of by the end of the semester.Olson said the meeting is really just a way for GSB to tie up all of its loose ends before Finals Week and winter break.”I don’t think that anyone is expecting this to be an exceptionally long meeting,” he said. “Nothing we’ll be discussing is highly controversial. There’s just certain things that need to get done.”GSB will be voting on three bills Wednesday, including a funding bill for the allocation of $7,000 to the student television station ISU9 for the purchase of two new tape decks for its on-air programming. A second funding bill proposes an allocation of $5,500 to The Workspace, an art and craft studio in the basement of the Memorial Union, for the purchase of pottery wheels for student use.The third piece of legislation the senate will consider is the finance committee’s recommendation for the 2001-2002 Finance Priorities and Criteria.