Gore excites ISU voters

Emily Brink

Amid signs, streamers and hay bales, Vice President Al Gore came to campus Friday afternoon to inform and motivate Iowans to vote for him in the Nov. 7 national presidential election.

Hundreds of students and supporters gathered near the Campanile for the rally to hear the Democratic presidential candidate and several Democratic officials from Iowa share their views on the upcoming election.

Gore greeted the enthusiastic crowd of banner-waving supporters as Van Halen’s “Right Now,” blasted through the speakers.

“I will fight for you and your family and your future,” Gore said, as his wife, Tipper, and 23-year-old daughter Kristin stood behind him.

Gore voiced his confidence of winning Iowa’s seven electoral votes on Tuesday.

“I’ve gotten a message from you that we are gonna win Iowa on Tuesday,” Gore said.

Gore summarized his stance on education, social security, minimum wage, tax cuts and prescription drugs, but the loudest cheer roared from the crowd as Gore spoke on the issue of college tuition.

“It is wrong to have graduates with such a huge debt,” Gore said to a highly-student populated crowd.

Iowa is an important state for Gore to win as “it is in the middle of the battle ground states,” Gov. Tom Vilsack said in an introduction of the vice president.

Gore thanked the state of Iowa for its support.

“I will be grateful to the state of Iowa as long as I live,” he said.