Business, LAS to use skyboxes to interview

Gabe Davis

ISU students have been taking job interviews to new heights this semester.

More than 200 students in the College of Business and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have had the opportunity to use the skyboxes at Jack Trice Stadium for their interviews with potential employers.

Steve Kravinsky, director of Business and LAS Career Services, said the atmosphere is exciting.

“All of the potential employers love it,” he said. “It’s a unique location with a great view, parking is not a problem ,and it’s really accessible and easy to find.”

Kravinsky said the idea for the skybox interviews came after Engineering Annex was torn down, and a new interview location was needed.

“The athletic department was very helpful and very generous and has agreed to let us use the skyboxes until our new building gets built in the fall of 2003,” Kravinsky said. “We can’t use them in the early spring, however, because they aren’t heated.”

Joan Bowles, development officer for the athletic department, also said the arrangement has worked out well.

“The skyboxes provide a beautiful facility to be able to invite companies to and to hold interviews in,” she said.

Since the College of Business’s Career Week, some students have had the opportunity to use the skyboxes for their interviews. “The skyboxes have been used almost every single day, Monday through Friday, from late September after Career Day until [Tuesday],” Kravinsky said.

The business and athletic departments worked together over the summer to achieve the goal of students having their interviews in the skyboxes, Kravinsky said.

“Two very diverse areas of the university got together and created a situation that’s helpful to the students,” he said. “It’s a very nice situation for us as well — to be able to use a facility that would otherwise be empty three-fourths of the year.”

One of the important steps in the athletic department allowing the College of Business to use the skyboxes was getting permission from the suite holders, Bowles said. “The suite holders supported the use of the skyboxes 100 percent, to have students up there for the interview process,” she said.

The suites previously were used only on Saturdays for the football games and were left empty and unused all week.

“It’s been a wonderful opportunity to use a facility that normally would be closed during the week,” Bowles said. “I think it has been a great partnership between the two programs.”