Homecoming rocks!

Editorial Board

This weekend is the very definition of good times during your college years.

The cold air invigorating your every breath outside Jack Trice, the roar of the crowd, Cyclones of all ages packed in like herrings to cheer for the home team.

In the years to come, you will remember this weekend fondly and talk about the good, old days when you were at Iowa State and it was so cold this or it was so unseasonably hot that.

You can’t buy memories like this and what is most amazing is that everything worth remembering about this weekend can be summed up in one word.

Yes, one word describes everything that is good and noble about your college years: Homecoming . ain’t nothing wrong with that!

Homecoming is like the Veishea before Veishea.

There are no pledges at Homecoming time except to beat the tar out of Texas A&M.

Oh sure, Texas A&M is a fine school, no doubt about that, but we are still going to a lay a hurtin’ on them something fierce.

Come and get it boys.

And something else Homecoming has that Veishea doesn’t – mass campaniling. Bring on the love! It’s like Woodstock without all the hippies and mud.

Even if you do get hit on the head by a falling brick, it’s still less dangerous than loading up on corndogs and gyros on Welch Ave.

We’ve got fireworks and lawn displays, tailgating and a wicked cool parade, victory lane all painted and pretty.

Yell like hell? Don’t mind if we do.

No need to go to Iowa City this weekend, we have the most fun a reasonably sane person can handle.

Editorial Board: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer, Andrea Hauser and Jocelyn Marcus