Letter to the editor: Stillman apathetic, simple-minded

Karsten Anderson

After reading Brian Stillman’s column “Not voting β€” that’s my solution” in the Friday, Oct. 20 Daily, I was outraged. He advocates that because neither of the two major presidential candidates are suitable to his taste, he should not vote and encourages others to follow suit.

He backs this by saying that “unfortunately for [Ralph Nader], I don’t think the entire United States will be as smart as the residents of Minnesota and elect someone who has the guts to stand up to the masses in D.C.” Well, Mr. Stillman, being a resident of Minnesota, let me tell you something about that situation.

Jesse Ventura was sick of the “politics as usual” that pervades the system. He was sick of politicians who are fond of “leaving the promises made to the American public unfulfilled.” He decided to do something about it and run for the governor’s office. We all know the results of that, Mr. Stillman.

Ventura was also sick of the political system people like you allow to persist. Yes, that YOU ALLOW. It’s not only the government’s fault you feel there are no decent presidential candidates.

People who are simple-minded and apathetic like you are the reason our political system is in shambles today. Politicians know they don’t need everyone’s vote in the country to be elected. Therefore, they focus their campaign efforts on target audiences who do vote. Why should they care about you if you offer them nothing by not voting?

Ventura realized this, and called for every eligible voter in Minnesota to get their lazy butt off the sofa and go vote. He sincerely wanted to change the system and needed the populace to accomplish it.

Numbers say it all, Mr. Stillman. Voter turnout in Minnesota was the highest it had been in years with many precincts reporting the highest turnout EVER! People realized Mr. Ventura was a suitable candidate who cared about “John Q. Public,” and our political system was shaken to its core.

Now, Mr. Stillman and followers of this apathetic “logic,” what says that if all the eligible voters in the United States followed Minnesota’s lead and got THEIR lazy butts off the sofa for one evening and voted, that the system could not be shaken on a national level?

Of course it is possible! It takes the citizens of this country to be responsible and vote their conscience. If you aren’t happy with Gore or Bush, vote for the candidate who most suits your ideals! There are other candidates eligible for your vote!

It sickens me to hear people like Mr. Stillman persuade people with corrupted logic when I have family members who fought in battle for America, and yet some just disregard their service. That’s a complete cop-out and is disrespectful to those people.

To all reading this, don’t let apathy control you; please go and vote to show the politicians you DO care how this country is run!

Karsten AndersonSophomoreComputer engineering