Letter to the editor: Kids as cannon fodder

Richard Scharf

I have to disagree with Sameh Al-Shihabi’s contention that “room for smiling” still exists in the present Israeli-Palestinian skirmishes.

Without rapid improvement in the situation, life is likely to get much worse for both sides.

While no one can condone shooting school children, neither can any decent person condone using one’s own children as cannon fodder.

The Palestinians had a rare opportunity with Barak, but because of the reaction to Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount (exactly the reaction Sharon hoped for), it is likely that Barak will be forced to withdraw his long list of offered concessions (including over 80 percent of the West Bank), and it’s just as likely that Israeli politics will be taking another swing toward the far right.

Israelis and Palestinians have been taking this familiar road longer than I’ve been alive. I’ll see “room for smiling,” Mr. Al-Shihabi, when they all collectively pull their heads out of their asses.

Richard Scharf


Columbia, SC