Students learn about grad schools at event

Katie Anderson

ISU students interested in graduate or professional schools have the opportunity to learn more during the 2000 Graduate and Professional School Day.

Beverly Madden, director of Career Services, said she believes students should attend seminars before meeting representatives from the schools.

“The seminars show different aspects on preparing for admission and thinking through processes of getting the right school,” she said.

Madden said Graduate and Professional School Day is open to all students and people from the community who have been thinking about returning to school to get a higher degree.

“This helps people who are considering grad school now or in the future,” Madden said. “Our goal is to help students or anybody in the state looking for higher education. This is for people considering Iowa State and students looking elsewhere, such as graduate students who are looking for their Ph.D.”

She said a fair proportion of ISU students go to professional or graduate school after graduation. The event is free, and students do not need to register to attend.

Larry Hanneman, director of ISU Engineering Career Services, also said the day will be important for anyone interested in receiving a higher degree.

“Those that are interested in pursuing graduate and professional degrees can meet representatives in their prospective schools,” he said. “A good number of students that plan advanced degrees attend this.”

Madden said the event’s Web site has links to other Web sites that allow students to view the programs at different schools.

The Web site is