Good news for gay faculty

Editorial Board

The closet door was given a push by ISU faculty and staff members last night, with the approval of faculty insurance benefits for same-sex partners during the Faculty Senate meeting.

Finally, a move toward the light between the cornstalks, this is a well-timed decision whether or not it happened during National Coming Out Week.

There are several benefits in this vote, and they aren’t only for faculty members.

Negative reactions from students, co-workers and administrators is something every homosexual faculty member must consider before stepping out of the closet of the ISU living room. The approval of health insurance for same-sex partners is the first step towards acceptance of these relationships. This will include not only the ISU community, but the state as a whole.

This will also be beneficial in attracting new faculty members to campus. Budget cuts are making it increasingly difficulty for the university to stay financially competitive. This is an extra cherry for potential faculty considering taking a bite of the Iowa State sundae.

And while gay faculty members have been waiting a long time for this benefit, it will require more than putting their name on the list.

In order to qualify for health insurance, couples must show evidence that they are financially dependent on each other, that it is a long term commitment equal to a legal union.

This brings gay faculty to the same level as their peers in traditional unions – equal pay for equal work is coming full circle.

Editorial Board: Carrie Tett, Greg Jerrett, Katie Goldsmith, Amie Van Overmeer, Andrea Hauser and Jocelyn Marcus