Letter to the editor: Not too taxing

Emily Mcnieland and Amie Edwards

In response to the Daily’s Oct. 10 editorial saying ISU students shouldn’t help shoulder the costs of educating the children of Story County: despite the angle taken by the Daily, the sales tax would be for all the children of Story County, not just those in Ames.

While it’s true that Ames schools are well-funded and highly ranked, many of the smaller towns in the area need the money to improve their schools.

Granted, much of the tax revenue will be generated in Ames, but remember that people who live in smaller towns spend a lot of money shopping in Ames.

They should get some of their money back.

Most ISU students come from public schools funded by their communities. It’s important to remember who taught you all the things you needed to know in order to get into Iowa State.

It’s not fair to reap the benefits of a public education and then not be prepared to give back. While no one likes to be taxed, we don’t think a one percent sales tax is too much to ask.

Students everywhere need to remember that they are living in a community, not simply a place created for them to have a few years of fun while they work on a degree. When you are a member of a community you are expected to help support it.

Emily McNieland


English secondary education

Amie Edwards


English secondary education