Cy’s liquor license suspended

Kati Jividen

The Alcoholic Beverages Division in Ankeny has decided to suspend Cy’s Roost liquor license for 60 days after a series of alcohol violations.

Patrick Greene, owner of Cy’s Roost, 121 Welch Ave., met with division officials to discuss the bootlegging and supplying to minor charges brought to him after his bar sponsored several tailgate parties last year that served alcohol to minors.

“When the owner of Cy’s Roost was charged with bootlegging and supplying to minors last fall — the charges came this year — we, the city as the issuer of the liquor license, filed an administrative action against the business’s [liquor] license,” said Judy Parks, assistant city attorney. “The hearing was set for Monday. It took place, but they reached an agreement.”

The agreement reached was that the bar must cease all alcohol operations for 60 days.

“They can continue to do the non-alcohol related part of the business, but they cannot sell alcohol during the period of suspension,” she said.

Parks said the suspension will not start immediately.

“That’s the part they have not finalized,” she said. “The city agreed that they would pick the dates but it has to be before their license expires. Sometime between now and April the administrative suspension will take place.”

Jamie Courtney, bar manager at Cy’s, said employees were meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the settlement. He said he had no further comment.

Attempts to reach Greene Tuesday for comment were unsuccessful.

Department of Public Safety officers ticketed Greene for illegally selling alcohol on the south side of Jack Trice Stadium before three ISU home football games last fall.

The stadium parking lot was not authorized by his liquor license, and beer was distributed to underage persons, according to county reports in Nevada. He was charged with three counts of bootlegging and three counts of supplying alcohol to underage persons.

Greene pleaded guilty last April to one count of bootlegging and one count of supplying alcohol to underage persons. The other four counts were dropped.

Additional supplying to minor charges were brought against Greene in July by the Ames Police Department when they were completing an independent check, Parks said.

Individual charges against Greene are being handled by the county attorney in Nevada, Parks said. The city is only handling the action against the business’s liquor license.

Parks said it’s been “quite some time” since a suspension of this length has been imposed.

“We’ve had other establishments where they have had suspensions imposed but typically it’s for a single violation,” she said. “This is for multiple violations. The last one that comes to mind was a bar that had drug sales on the premises, and that was a significant period of suspension.”