Letter to the editor: Senator’s attitude trip arrogant, discriminatory

Rachel Harvey

I am very pleased to learn that Iowa State adopted the Domestic Partner Benefits. It shows that they are intelligently, progressively moving up in our world against arrogance, bigotry and discrimination onward toward equality for all. Not up to the Our Constitution yet, but moving toward it.

Our culture does not need homosexuals to be eroded. It does a good job of erosion all on its own. I will never be able to see where letting the gays marry has anything to do with the failure of heterosexual marriages. This is a big cop out.

How do you account for all the failed heterosexual marriages even before we heard of gays wanting to get married?

What about the cruel way our children are being treated under our present system? Look at the children hungry and neglected with no insurance.

Look at Texas under Bush. He has been there eight years and he only started improvements in the last two years. The reason Texas has improved so much is that they were on the bottom of the barrel and the only place to go was up.

Senator Miller, I’m sorry you go all over the world doing a considerable amount of international work and are able to tell we are not loved by everyone.

Maybe if you, along with every one else like you, would get off your arrogant, discriminating and better-than-thou-attitude trip, THINGS MIGHT CHANGE.

Rachel M. Hervey


Santa Margarita, Calif.