Letters to the editor: You have the power

Charlie Weaver

In response to your September 21 editorial, I would like to say “hats off” to the editorial board for addressing an issue that does not receive enough attention. “If TV threatens your kids, turn it off.” This statement is an exercise in common sense that simply points out the bottom line: Hollywood does not hold the remote to your television, you do. To lash out at an entity that cannot protect itself and relies on damage control to defend its image in the midst of controversy is unjustified and unfair. Unfortunately, our society is obsessed with the blame game and has no intention of solving the problem. Everyone seems comfortable with the way things are. This is too lucrative a subject to resolve. This controversy pays in other valuable dividends. It helps win elections, pulls people together and draws attention to the art it attacks. Why stop something that benefits so many people? Why give up the cheapest babysitter money can buy? Why get rid of a campaign platform issue that ranks with abortion? Who would turn down priceless free publicity? These questions cannot be answered honestly and it all comes back to one simple solution: if you are unhappy with the current state of the media today and the exposure you have to it, then you are the only one who has the power to change it, not anyone else, just you. Charlie Weaver



North Iowa Area Community College