ISU motorcycle club gears up for a new year

Valarie Dennis

Although it is a young club, members of the ISU Motorcycle Club are optimistic about its future. The club, which started last spring, was formed to provide education and a chance for those with an interest in motorcycles to converge. On Saturday, the club had a barbecue to kick off the school year in Memorial Park. The purpose was to recruit new members, gather old members, discuss ideas for this year and show the members where their fees are going, said Nick Burns, vice president of the ISU Motorcycle Club. “We push safety as much as possible; it’s our underlying goal,” said President Dan De Clute. “We believe in safety through education.” The club has scheduled numerous seminars focusing on safety, maintenance and proper gear for riding, said De Clute, sophomore in mechanical engineering. Burns, junior in mechanical engineering, said one purpose of the club is to let people learn about motorcycles. “We funded the club to have fun through education,” he said. “If you are better educated, you have more fun and confidence in your field, and your ability to perform is greater.” The general interest of the crowd is sports bikes, De Clute said, but all types of bikes are acceptable for the club. Also, members need not have motorcycles, but many of the events are rides where someone without a motorcycle cannot participate. Bruce Adami, graduate student in chemical engineering, joined the club because he was interested in “looking to gain motorcycle experience,” he said. Adami said the club is a great way for him to learn and get help and advice from more knowledgeable people. “With the variations of skill level available in the club, it is a good experience to join, and there is always someone available to help,” he said. Another added bonus to the motorcycle club for Adami is the chance of having a bunch of people available to ride motorcycles in a group. “Anyone with a general interest in motorcycles is welcome to join,” De Clute said. Meetings for the Motorcycle Club are held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in room 270 of the Town Engineering Building, and they are not limited to ISU students and faculty. Those interested in finding out more information about the motorcycle club may check out the club Web site.