Contracts adopted by GSB

Wendy Weiskircher

The Government of the Student Body kicked off the spring semester with an in-and-out senate meeting, which set the slate for next week’s meeting.

With a quick discussion about student body contracts, the senate wrapped up its unfinished business from the fall semester.

The senators voted unanimously to adopt the annual report of student body contracts and agreements. GSB is entered into contracts with the Student Union Board concerning office space and the Dean of Students Office concerning mutual funding for the offices of Off-Campus and Adult Student Services and Student Legal Services.

Prior to publication of the report, the contracts were signed by GSB President Matt Craft and ratified by the senate in November.

“This is to make sure we’re holding up our end of the deal, and they’re holding up their end,” said Alex Olson, off campus.

At the advent of the new semester, the senate’s table is stacked for next Wednesday’s meeting. Several bills were introduced, which will be discussed at following meetings.

A bill to adopt the Election Code for this spring’s GSB elections was among the new legislation. The code was slightly revised to account for a possible future change in voting methods.

“We wanted to cover every single base,” said Michel Pogge, election commissioner.

Three possible voting processes, including paper ballots, electronic off-line polling and Internet polling, are mentioned in the code. However, due to unforeseen complications with the system, Pogge predicted it’s highly unlikely the electronic system will be operating in time for the 2000 elections, which are slated for Feb. 28 through March 1.

“I am almost 100 percent sure it will be paper ballots this year,” Pogge said.

In addition, three bills were heard to make minor amendments to chapters of the GSB bylaws to maintain consistency in wording and numbering.

“This is simply to make the chapters consistent with the rest of the bylaws,” Olson said.