Candidate seminars, GSB meeting to address 2000 election procedures

Wendy Weiskircher

The first candidate seminar, which set the Government of the Student Body election process in motion, drew few potential candidates Tuesday morning.

About 10 interested candidates, including a few current senators considering re-election, met with Election Commissioner Michel Pogge in the Memorial Union for the first mandatory seminar.

Two seminar opportunities remain for students who wish to run for a GSB senate or executive position. Candidate seminars will be held Wednesday at 6 p.m. and Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Regency Room of the Memorial Union. Potential candidates must attend one of the seminars.

The seminar is an informational meeting, giving potential candidates the opportunity to sign a statement of intent and a chance to ask questions about the election process.

“This is the first step in running [for GSB],” said GSB President Matt Craft.

At the seminar, the students received information packets that included the statement of intent, explanation of policies, an events calendar and the election code. The election code, which gained senate approval last Wednesday, contains the guidelines concerning petitioning, campaigning and the details of the election process.

In addition to four special senate seats, senators are elected to represent each college and residence arrangement. The special seats, which ensure equal representation for all students, include American ethnic minority, disabilities, international and nontraditional.

“I’m a strong believer that being involved in your school is important,” said Kara Ladlie, junior in agricultural education, who is part of a slate considering running in the executive election. “This is a way to make sure the students’ voices are heard.”

Senators with GSB experience already under their belts are among those considering running for a spot on next year’s senate.

“I just like it,” said Gregory Tew, who was appointed to the senate by the Engineering Student Council last November. “I like getting things done for the students.”

All interested students must submit a statement of intent and filing fee to the GSB office by Thursday at noon. Petitioning will start at noon Friday. Candidates for senate must obtain 100 signatures from registered ISU students, while executive slates require 2,000 signatures to qualify for a spot on the GSB ballot.

GSB will meet Wednesday night at 7 in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. The following will be discussed:

Seating bills

* A bill to seat Chris Thome as an off-campus senator. By Wisher, Olson and others.

* A bill to seat Wade Demmer as an RCA senator. By Medanic and Edmiston.

Old business

* Three bills to modify the first, second and 18th chapters of the GSB bylaws to maintain consistency. By Olson, Wisher and others.

* A bill to ratify the funding agreement of the KURE radio station. By Edmiston and Skutnik.

* A funding bill to allocate $2,566.08 from the Senate discretionary account to pay for the GSB inauguration event. By Wisher and Skutnik.

* A bill to support the current three-week university winter break. By Cordaro, Olson and others.

* A bill to support the proposed calendar change for a four-week university winter break. By Medanic.

New business

* A funding bill to allocate $505 to the Western Agriculture Student Council to pay for transportation costs to and from the Western Agriculture Association Conference. By Friedrichsen, Rogis and others.

* A bill to change the bylaws to avoid election commission members running in any election supervised by the election commission. By Shenton and Wisher.

* A bill to revise the GSB constitution to “adequately address the needs of the students or their government.” By Wisher, Olson and others.

* A funding bill to allocate $1,322.40 to help pay for the GSB elections. By Olson and Wisher.

* A funding bill to allocate an amount not to exceed $125,000 for a shelter for commuter students in the parking lot at the Iowa State Center. By Olson, Cordaro and others.

* A resolution to oppose Iowa House of Representatives legislation to an across-the-board ban of alcohol in all Iowa residence halls. By Weaver, DeKoster and others.

* A resolution to encourage the Memorial Union to allow 24-hour access to the student office spaces. By Wisher, McCurdy and others.

* A resolution to encourage the ISU administration to seek student input on the possibility of a one-beverage contract and to use any funds generated from this contract to benefit the students. By Olson and Cordaro.

* A resolution to reform textbook policies at ISU, including textbook revisions and royalties for ISU professor authors. By McCurdy and Weaver.

* A resolution to change the dates of Thanksgiving break. By McCurdy and Weaver.

* A resolution to take into consideration changes in student size when purchasing new desks and chairs. By McCurdy and Weaver.

* A resolution to oppose the Story County 1-cent sales tax proposal. By Wisher, Darrah and others.