SUB working to bring variety of events to ISU this spring

Nina Fox

The Student Union Board is off to a new start this semester, bringing a number of activities to Iowa State that reflect diversity, culture and variety.

Lisa Kratz, SUB adviser, said the organization has been busy planning several upcoming events.

“One of the big events is Varieties, which takes place Jan. 29,” Kratz said. “The student-produced variety show features different groups who write and produce 20-minute mini-shows.”

Kratz said the talent that Varieties brings in ranges from comedy, dance, music and stories.

“Right now, eight groups are competing for the finals show, which will feature three of the eight groups,” Kratz said. “That will be held Feb. 25 and 26 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.”

From rock and pop to jazz and blues, Kratz said SUB has filled almost every date of every weekend this semester. Other events Kratz said to watch for are SUB’s film series, music shows in the M-Shop, print and photo exhibitions, and focus exhibitions.

“There are things going on all the time so it really pays to check it out,” Kratz said. “One new thing that is happening is that some of the student organizations events that are not part of SUB are starting to pick up in the M-Shop.”

Ryan Sievers, vice president of SUB, said when the board began coordinating events with other student groups, SUB received a huge response.

“We thought it was unfair to not let student organizations get involved at the M-Shop,” said Sievers, senior in anthropology. “A lot of nights it would just sit unactive.”

As a result, SUB rewrote the policy, revising structural changes and other changes in favor of students.

“We want to get as much student involvement as possible and go above and beyond what we have done in the past,” Sievers said. “Last semester, we broke a number of records for shows and participation. Everything that we’ve done we excelled, and really, that is one of our goals this semester — to continue this kind of boom of student involvement and diversity of programs.”

Sievers said during his second year as a member of SUB, he has definitely seen an improvement in the working relationships of SUB with other organizations.

“I’ve seen a lot of conjunction with GSB, which was somewhat unheard of before I came,” he said. “They have been a great help in lending their services and getting us new computers.

“Also, the relations with Student Union Board staff has improved, which is important. We depend on them to run the facility for us, which results in overall better service that we provide to the students.”

But Sievers said he believes the real success has come from the increase of recognition and identity of SUB on campus.

“People are starting to recognize that the M-Shop, Varieties and movies all come from SUB,” Sievers said. “The other thing is that whatever is going on will be student-run and student-organized.”

Kratz said SUB always has had an ongoing goal to have a variety of diverse activities. She said SUB also tries to implement student ideas.

“We are open to all suggestions and are willing to work with students on ideas and programs,” Kratz said.

SUB is open to suggestions by all ISU individuals or student organizations. Anyone interested can contact a member of SUB in the West Student Office Space in the Memorial Union, or call 294-4354.