Farmers not well-accepted

Wes Griffin

The letter containing “Fag Week” was wrong. The students were just trying to make a point. Ag Week was not covered very well. Maybe the students chose National Coming Out Days to compare coverage to because it was only a few weeks ago.

The students just wanted coverage for their college and events just like any other college or organization does.

This year, I have not seen very good coverage of farming or agriculture. I do think it is nice that there is an agriculture page in the Daily. I did not like the opinion article calling me a stupid, uninformed farmer. The article also said that farmers are greedy and that ethanol is too expensive.

I do not think that I am better than anyone or that the College of Agriculture is the best. People just need to be reminded of what made Iowa State what it is today: agriculture.

The way I looked at NCOD was that it was showing pride in being gay.

To me, Ag Week was showing pride in being a farmer. I do not have anything against homosexuals showing their pride or any group showing pride. But they should all have equal coverage.

Mr. Waardhuzien had an excellent letter in the Nov. 9 Daily.

I do not agree that farmers are well-accepted. I see the looks people give me when I walk across campus in my boots and seed-corn cap. I have heard people complain about all of us hicks. Just imagine what it would be like if you got rid of all of us farmers.

Take away your food and your cotton clothes, and you are left feeling the way I felt with the lack of coverage for Ag Week. A feeling of having nothing.

Wes Griffin


Agricultural communications