No students attend GSB town forum

Wendy Weiskircher

The informational town forum held Tuesday by Government of the Student Body executives, which was planned with Iowa State students in mind, failed to attract any student attention.

GSB President Matt Craft and Vice President Garrett Toay promised such forums in their election campaign last year, with the intent to keep students and the citizens of Ames informed about GSB issues.

Although some GSB senators filled a few of the seats in the Oak Room of the Memorial Union at the forum Tuesday afternoon, no inquisitive students came to participate or listen.

The lack of student attendance at the meeting sparked a discussion about campus awareness of GSB.

“We’ve got a lot of resources and a lot of opportunities to do things,” Craft said. “We want to know what we should do.”

The accessibility of GSB senators, whose purpose is to represent the students of ISU, was discussed as a limiting factor of student participation in GSB.

Senators’ names, positions, e-mail addresses and phone numbers are posted on the GSB Web page (, but Toay suggested another way to increase senator accessibility.

“Once a week, we could publish the names and phone numbers [of the senators] in the Daily,” he said.

Ashley Herr, engineering, agreed, “We need to get the information out there. We need to take a more active role on campus.”

The public forums, which will be held monthly next semester, are planned along with events such as “Meet Your Government Day,” which was held earlier this fall to increase student awareness of GSB.

Craft and Toay also attend constituency council and house meetings where issues are discussed.

In addition to lagging student awareness, current GSB issues, such as student fees and electronic voting, were discussed among the senators and executives.