Daily has guts

Angie Chipman

It never happens enough in our world today. There are so many things happening at this point in our lives that it’s difficult to decide what events should be recognized for having a good deal of significance and what ones shouldn’t even be given a second thought.

The “In Our Opinion” article in the Oct. 7 paper is one of those events that occur and most of us won’t understand what kind of significance it bears on one’s life. Therefore, let me be the first one to say “Thank you” to the editorial board of the Daily for your caring and consideration toward such a controversial issue as same-sex marriages.

An article that most students will immediately glance over once the title “Gay Rights” is read will immediately bring a feeling of remote acceptance to closeted folks around ISU who rarely get the chance to read positive comments (outside of pro-LGBT rights activists and the editorials they provide) towards the issues that most LGBT people face on a daily basis.

Even though it was disheartening to read that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was going above and beyond most religions in its tirade of unacceptance towards LGBT people, I was comforted to know that there are many of us, and the number is growing rapidly, who don’t agree with the fairly uneducated opinions that are being pushed into the politics of California today.

I appreciate the Daily taking the time to cover issues that concern minority students. You don’t see too much of that happening in other forms of the media, and it takes courage every time you state your opinion regardless of how many people agree or disagree. You’ve got guts, and I respect that because there are sometimes that even I, ISU equal rights activist at large, have difficulty facing the societal pressures of conforming to the “norm.”

Angie Chipman


Psychology and history