GSB amends dry Veishea pledge to clarify rules

Wendy Weiskircher

The Veishea resolution passed last week by the Government of the Student Body, which supports the “safe, multicultural and alcohol-free” Veishea celebration, has undergone yet another amendment.

The original resolution, which was approved by a vote of 27-9 at GSB’s Oct. 13 meeting, stated that while GSB supports the pledge, “the GSB objects to the way the administration has issued, either implicitly or explicitly, an ultimatum to the GSB and other campus organizations that the continuation of the Veishea celebration is contingent on the approval of the GSB and other campus organizations.”

The new amendment serves to clarify the rules for Veishea and focuses on whether the students wish to have a specific set of rules imposed upon them, said Jason Shenton, USAC, author of the amendment.

Although earlier in the week, Wendell Mosby, FCS, alluded to intentions to propose a motion to reconsider the amendment, he decided against it due to Shenton’s motion.

Shenton described the existing Veishea pledge as a “vague, all-encompassing pledge.”

To clarify the pledge, a clause was added to the resolution that refers to a new revision of the Interim Alcohol Rules for Veishea, which were derived from standing university policies on alcohol published in the student information handbook.

“The purpose of placing a revision designation on each final draft of the Interim Alcohol Rules for Veishea is so that the students and the student governments will explicitly understand exactly what they are pledging,” Shenton said.

After meetings with Thomas Hill, vice president for Student Affairs, and other senators, Shenton drafted the revision to the rules and amendments to the passed resolution.

The major change in the Interim Alcohol Rules is the addition of the word “illegal” into a section of the rules pertaining to alcohol.

This section of rules now reads: “Violations of the policy or laws include, but are not limited to, the illegal possession, illegal use, illegal manufacture, illegal distribution or illegal sale of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances both on and off campus.”

By inserting “illegal” before these verbs, it ensures that no constitutional rights will be violated by the rules.

Another clause added to the resolution approves the Veishea pledge and “asks the ISU administration to take all action necessary to implement the Veishea pledge.”

However, the rules are left open for further revision, which may arise from future meetings between the ad-hoc committee and the administration.

The committee, chaired by Shenton, will meet with the administration over the next few weeks to discuss possible changes to the rules.

Shenton said meetings with the administration have been very productive.

“Every single request currently made by the students has been accepted,” he said. “It has truly been a joint effort. It is through the inexpressible goodwill of the administration that any revision or change [to the revised rules] will be met with an open mind.”