Woell’s ignorant words

Joel Werling

I’m standing up and stating what I believe in to Mr. Woell. I’m not going to argue about ethanol facts. We all know the positive effects and benefits to the economy and to the enviroment.

In your first column, “Ethanol may be OK for some people, but not me,” you stated, “The fact is that this new ethanol proposal is just a gimmick concocted by greedy farmers …”

Greed is an excessive desire for wealth. Farmers are trying to “pad” their pockets, huh? I don’t like your attitude toward farmers, and I don’t think anyone else likes it, either. You are aware of the fact farming is one of the few businesses that cannot set its own price for its product.

I don’t know if you are aware of the prices of crops now and what they were 20 years ago. It hasn’t changed much. Generations of many families poured their love and sweat into the land. They’re trying their hardest to stay afloat. You can go ahead and sleep well tonight. Others will have trouble sleeping, worrying about the markets, whether the flood/drought affected yields and if they can make it in farming for another year. It is their livelihood 24 hours a day, Mr. Woell, not just a job. There is no assurance.

We don’t need to have your ignorant words about farmers put upon us.

Joel Werling


Ag Systems Technology