Construction delays in M.U. cause concern

Emily Mcniel

Construction delays at the Memorial Union have some officials a little concerned.

Construction is behind schedule because of some architectural problems, and a firm date for completion has not yet been set.

“The project has just turned out to be entirely more complex and complicated than anyone knew,” said Kathy Svec, marketing coordinator of the Union. “We’ve had lots of ‘supposed-to-be-done’ dates, but the project has gone on and the completion date has shifted. We have realized that it will be done part by part,” she said.

“There was a lot of bad information about the existing architecture of the building. Somewhere the plans and the reality just didn’t match up,” said Patrick Murray-John, Student Union Board president.

The project was originally to be completed by March 1, then the date was backed up to April 1. Now the completion date has been moved to May 1.

Murray-John is concerned about the fact that the deadline for the project was missed. He said the continuing construction will have a negative impact on activities planned for the summer.

Murray-John explained that Taylor Ball, the original contractor for the project, has accepted another contract that starts in the summer. Taylor Ball will also continue to work on the Union.

“So now it looks like they’ll be working on both, so it will take even longer,” Murray-John said.

Murray-John said the construction, especially in the food service areas, will affect the revenue generated by the Union when Odyssey of the Mind comes to Ames this summer.

Odyssey of the Mind is an international organization. Elementary and high school students will be in Ames for a creativity competition, and Svec estimated that there would be around 10,000 competitors.

“Odyssey of the Mind is a big income for the Union because you have hundreds of kids running around with a bunch of their parents’ money. Food service may not be open, so we won’t be making money there, and other areas of the building that need to have construction going on may be unavailable. When we don’t have ready what we promised, it looks bad in a lot of ways,” Murray-John said.

Svec said she didn’t anticipate any problem meeting the needs of the Odyssey of the Mind competitors.

“We are not anticipating [that] meeting their needs will be a problem. The Memorial Union is just one part — they really use the whole university,” she said.

Mary Jo Mertens, managing director the the Union, said she expects the food court to be open by the first part of May, and pointed out that the kitchen for the food service court is done.

Svec said she doesn’t think that the construction is going to have a negative impact on the revenue of the Union.

“Business is less, but we are running a smaller operation. You also have to remember that we don’t have as high of expenses either. Our catering and banquet business has grown and we are finding in the grand dotted line of things that there isn’t a big change, but a shift. We are in fine shape financially,” Svec said.

Murray-John is also concerned about construction in the student office space.

“The student office space might not be done by the end of the summer. That would be a big hassle. Most of the organizations in the Union are very much up in the air,” he said.

Mertens said she expects construction on the student offices to be done in time for the fall semester.