Six pets killed in house fire

A residential fire broke out on Aug. 14 at 1202 Garfield Avenue. (Photo courtesy of the City of Ames.)
August 15, 2022
The Ames Fire Department responded to a report of heavy flames and smoke coming from the front porch and multiple windows of a two-story, single-family home at 5:36 p.m. Sunday at 1202 Garfield Avenue.
Firefighters were able to knock down the flames enough to make entry into the home and stop the fire from spreading throughout the whole house, according to a news release from the city.
No one was home when the fire started. Those who lived at the home discovered the fire at their arrival and called 911, according to the release.
“Unfortunately, six pets were home at the time of the fire and perished,” the release stated. “The cause of the fire remains under investigation but is not considered suspicious.”
The Red Cross has been called in to assist the family in finding a temporary place to stay.