Editorial: Engage with news every day


While the Iowa State Daily college student journalists are working remotely, they still engage with the news every day. News Engagement Day encourages everyone to do the same and to understand the processes behind journalism.

Editorial Board

Journalism is complex and important, and News Engagement Day encourages engagement with news and understanding of the process.

We’re surrounded by news on local, national and global levels. Keeping up with the news should be an essential part of everyone’s day, especially in our current almost-all-virtual lifestyle.

Phones, laptops and other electronic devices are so prevalent in our daily lives. Why not include some news on your explore pages and timelines. Follow a variety of news outlets and turn on notifications for their accounts. News can open your world to so much information and stories of others.

News is constantly being shared, whether it’s an update of COVID-19 cases, a community happening or the latest on politics. All this news is more accessible than ever before. News sources have presences on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, in print, digital newsletters and more.

Journalists and the content they produce matters. They work hard every day and night to produce and distribute the news you need, want and deserve to know.

Journalism is the greatest public service. It’s informative, entertaining, interactive and thought-provoking. Engaging with the news will help you to be more active in your community and be more aware of the issues being discussed.

News is an unbiased resource focused on sharing different angles and perspectives to create public discussion. You read the facts and form your own opinions and feelings.

On this day, use the hashtag #NewsEngagementDay on any and all social media platforms to show how you consume your news and why it’s important to you. The ISD Editorial Board also encourages you to remember every day is a good day to engage and interact with the news.

The Iowa State Daily has a presence on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and we have a website and newsletter. We encourage you to follow us and other local and national news organizations.

Reading from a variety of news outlets is a great way to support journalism and open yourself up to different information and ideas.