Students are required to have a laptop for the upcoming fall semester
Caitlin Yamada/ Iowa State Daily
The 2021-2022 academic year will include a four-week winter session and a spring break. Regardless of these changes, the administration hopes this winter semester can be as successful as last year’s.
July 12, 2020
Iowa State will close computer labs in the fall and students are required to have a laptop or other mobile device in order to meet their learning needs.
Iowa State President Wendy Wintersteen said in an email Friday that students need to have a laptop, computer or other mobile device for the benefit of improved access to online course content as well as health and safety.
“Personal laptops provide more consistent access to course content and sets up students for success in online and blended learning environments,” Wintersteen said. “In addition, if the current course delivery plan needs to be adjusted due to student or faculty illness, or significantly increased levels of COVID-19 activity in the city or state, the contingency will be in place for students to quickly pivot to greater online instruction.”
Wintersteen also said personal laptops will help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission between students.
Students will have the opportunity to check out equipment on a “limited basis” during the semester from Parks Library or academic colleges.
“One thing is for sure – the fall semester will not be ‘college as usual,’” Wintersteen said. “As you have seen in previous communications, we will be offering a mix of in-person and online instruction, including classes that meet primarily face-to-face, classes that meet completely online, and classes that feature a blend of each. While Iowa State has always taught in those three instructional modes, a greater fraction of our courses this fall will be online or blended.”
Iowa State will offer a combination of face-to-face classes, online and hybrid classes.
The face-to-face classes will be similar to the traditional format with the introduction of physical distance between seats in classrooms, enhanced cleaning and required face coverings to improve safety and mitigate risk associated with exposure or spread of coronavirus.
For online classes, this will also be similar to past semesters and students can access it anytime or during scheduled class time with real-time instruction, questions and engagement. Online instruction may be supplemented with discussion boards, group work, online apps and other activities.
A hybrid model, a blend of online and face-to-face instruction, will also have activities that include student engagement, meeting with instructors or accessing course materials. The activities may be given to students either virtually or in person – hence the term “hybrid” model.
The particular mix will depend on an instructor’s teaching strategies and the learning objectives of the course.
“In some cases, students may be asked or required to attend an in-person class meeting one day, and participate in the next session online while other students experience the lecture in-person,” Wintersteen said. “This rotation will promote physical distancing, lower occupancy levels in classrooms, and student and instructor safety.”
“We are working daily to strike the right balance in course delivery,” Wintersteen said. “We have placed priority on preserving as many experiential learning opportunities as reasonably possible, including labs, studios, and other courses that use specialized equipment and spaces, while at the same time mitigating the risk of COVID-19 for you, as well as our faculty and staff.”
Additionally, the class schedules will also be available Aug. 3. Academic departments and colleges are currently making decisions on how each of the classes will be delivered based on course size, room and instructor availability and safety protocols to mitigate student and instructor risk.
“As you can imagine, this work is detailed and time-consuming, and we appreciate your patience,” Wintersteen said. “Class lists will be available on AccessPlus beginning August 3. Classes begin on Aug. 17, and students may make changes to their schedules without instructor and/or adviser approval Aug. 21.”
Based on the availability of the classrooms, some classes are going to switch times and locations. The starting and ending times for classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays have been changed to allow students and instructors more time to move between classes.
On those days, the instructional day will begin 15 minutes earlier and end 20 minutes later than usual. The teaching schedule and passing times between classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays will not change, but classes on those days will be scheduled for 75 minutes.
“While we minimizing such cases, one or more of your course sections may be canceled,” Wintersteen said. “If this happens to you, we encourage you to review the course schedule, as additional sections may be offered at other times, and to consult with your academic adviser who will help you to explore other course options appropriate to your degree path.”
High-risk students are encouraged to review the updated schedule of courses when it is released and consult with their academic adviser to determine how they can keep up with their academic progress, as not all classes — including most laboratories — will have an online option.
Students at a higher risk to develop severe illness from COVID-19 based on their age or underlying medical condition, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will be given preference for placement in online courses.
More information on this process can be found on the Dean of Students website.
“However, it is important to note that we will not be able to offer all scheduled courses with an online option in cases such as labs where students use special equipment or courses that feature a unique instructional experience,” Wintersteen said.
Wintersteen also shared the plan if a student gets sick and needs to quarantine or self-isolate.
“We want students to stay home when they are sick,” Wintersteen said. “It is likely that some students may need to self-quarantine or self-isolate during the semester. Many classes will have an online option for students to stay current with the course work. For classes that do not, instructors may provide alternative options for classes and assignments that are missed.”
In-person academic and career advising will be available depending on if the space is available with proper physical distancing. To enhance safety and flexibility for students and advisers, virtual appointments will be available and the scheduling system will be updated to enable students to specifically request virtual or phone appointments.
Learning communities are encouraged to meet virtually to enhance safety and in-person opportunities will be included when feasible, following appropriate guidelines for room capacities, physical distancing and face coverings.
In most cases, tutoring, supplemental instruction and academic coaching will be offered virtually with some in-person sessions. A catalog of “Coaches’ Corner” sessions will be recorded and made available to students to view online.
More information is available on Iowa State’s COVID-19 Planning website and students can contact [email protected] for details.