Hamel: Happy Journal #2

Columnist Peyton Hamel comments on how animals can help cure quarantine sadness. 

Peyton Hamel

I find most of my motivation on Facebook. I am not exactly sure why, but I find myself on there before I do on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat. Maybe it’s because Facebook always has a lot more notifications… and those bother me. 

After perusing Facebook, however, only for a matter of minutes, I found several stories and videos that already made my day so much brighter and better. What about? Puppies, of course! 

We all know that our pets have secretly been plotting to find a way to keep us at home since the day we got them. And they won. Here we are, stuck at home, waiting for us to be able to wander outside once again and bother people that don’t live with us. Some puppies have even more freedom than we do: they visited a local aquarium. Lucky dogs! A renowned cycler around Denver, Joe Hendricks, has been a quite a chum to his pups by wheeling them around the city streets. See this link for a sneak peak (can you spot how many dogs there are?)!

Who lets the dogs out? (Answer: see below).

I have seen puppies either change the entire narrative for quarantine-time, or make the absolute worse use of certain (and essential) resources. Let’s just say you don’t want your dog eating any toilet paper when it’s sold out of stores. 

Despite the risks, a nearby animal shelter “twice emptied out its cages” for both cats and dogs as Coloradans are forced to stay inside. Check This just goes to prove that dogs (and now maybe cats as well) are truly a person’s best friend. If I’m bored, I bother my cat. If I feel the urge to put something soft, I bother my dog. If I am feeling really ambitious, I put my cat near my dog and hope for the best. Sometimes it goes well. 

Some of you may have seen the various trends rounding their ways through social media platforms: “See a ___, send a ___.” So, I challenge you, here and now, to send me a picture of your pup or other exuberant pet that keeps you entertained while on break! (Parrots and birds included.)

Answer: COVID-19