Iowa State students react to Trump’s acquittal


President Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate on Wednesday on both articles of impeachment he was charged with by the House of Representatives in December.

Kylee Haueter

The Senate passed a vote Wednesday afternoon to acquit President Donald Trump of the two articles of impeachment the House passed in December.  

The vote was mostly along party-line vote, though many prominent Republicans have said in recent days that they believe the president’s actions were wrong but remained firm in saying that they would not vote to remove him. 

This vote comes after two weeks of deliberation and a decision to not to call further witnesses in the trial.

The exception to the party-line vote is Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who voted to remove on the first article of impeachment. This decision was met with hostility by other Republicans, including Trump. 

“Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine,” Romney said on the Senate floor before the vote.

Many Iowa State students are actively involved in politics, as seen in Monday night’s caucus. This includes paying attention to the process of impeachment that ended today. Several students were disappointed with the result; they said they thought the Senate should have voted to convict and remove Trump.

“I think that he should be convicted because he is guilty,” said Trevor Poundstone, junior in management information systems. “He is shady, hides things and mistreats so many people. As a values-based person, it hurts me to see someone who has zero values representing this country. He needs to be gone, and it needs to happen now.” 

Multiple students used the word “shady” to describe Trump.

Orion Roberts, junior in mechanical engineering, said Trump has been “shady for years.”

Emma Plum, junior in marketing, said she believes while President Trump was in the wrong and many citizens do think that he should be removed from office, there isn’t necessarily enough evidence, and the Senate shouldn’t vote to remove him from office based solely on allegations and hearsay.

“I don’t necessarily think that he should straight up be convicted because they don’t have very concrete evidence and even though everyone knows that he’s in the wrong,” Plum said. “I just don’t think that they should be able to — as much as it sucks — eject him out of his presidency over alleged things. I just don’t think they have enough on him, as sad as that is to say, because he’s done a lot to make people not want him to be president anymore.”

Plum also referenced the fact Trump did not win the most votes in the 2016 presidential election. 

“Off the bat, obviously, if it were most citizens’ choice, [in 2016] he would not have been the President of the United States,” Plum said.