Graduate and Professional Student Senate to consider declaring climate emergency


The Graduate and Professional Student Senate meeting Dec. 2 in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

Jacob Smith

The Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) will be reviewing a joint resolution from Student Government declaring a climate emergency among other bills.

The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union and open to the public.

“On July 20, 2019, University of Iowa Student Government passed legislation at the conference of the Alliance of the Big Ten Schools which led to all of the big ten schools signing on to declare a climate emergency,” according to the document. “The University of Northern Iowa and the University of Iowa have both declared a climate emergency within their respective student governments to portray to their students and university leaders that climate change is a real and immediate threat to the state of Iowa, and, as a university priding itself in science and technology, Iowa State University must show its dedication to responding to changing science and technology by declaring a climate emergency.”

The resolution has already been passed by Student Government, which GPSS will now review.

Additionally, GPSS will consider a bill to recognize Judy Stand, assistant to the dean of the Graduate College.

“The Graduate College has heavily relied on Judy Strand for her knowledge, experience and good sense,” according to the document. “Judy Strand will be retiring from her position on March 6, 2020, after approximately 30 years working for Iowa State University and 10 years in the Graduate College.”

Furthermore, GPSS will discuss its budget for the fiscal year 2021 and proposed amendments to the newly revised bylaws and constitution, as well as the adoption of the new bylaws and ratification of the new constitution.