Student Government to consider ranked choice voting for elections
Mayor John Haila and Student Government Vice President Vishesh Bhatia listen to the thoughts of council members at the joint city and student council meeting on Oct 23.
February 11, 2020
Student Government will be reviewing various funding bills along with a bill to adjust the voting process of the next election during its weekly meeting.
The Peterson Squadron is requesting their travel expenses to be covered by the Senate Discretionary account of $291.04. The group plans on taking a trip to Notre Dame University for a basketball tournament competing against other universities around the country.
Furthermore, Student Government is holding a Heroes Week Project. The purpose of the project is to represent marginalized identities at Iowa State. Sen. Sumael and Sen. Roling will be introducing the bill for $704.70 from the Student Government Discretionary account to fund stickers and emails.
The Taiwanese Student Association is also looking for funding from Student Government. Due to the organization not attending Annual Allocations the group is requesting $400 from the Senate Discretionary account for food and a venue.
All funding bills be looked upon and voted upon separately.
Another bill on Wednesday night’s agenda will be the vote on whether the next election will be based on rank voting. The senators introducing the bill cited low voter turnout and would like to move to ranked choice voting for elections. The new system would conclude that all positions will be elected in a ranked choice voting method.
For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.