Student Government wants to aid international students in their travels home
The Director of International Student Experience Jidong Sun presented to the Student Government Senate plans to aid international students commuting from home to school.
October 13, 2021
Student Government’s Director of International Student Experience Jidong Sun, a senior majoring in computer engineering, spoke about the Travel Assistance Project, an initiative to aid international students in travel-related problems.
Sun conducted a volunteer-based survey among international students about their experiences with traveling to and from Ames, which he presented at the Iowa State Student Government meeting Wednesday.
“The whole idea of this project is to help international students travel home and back from home during breaks, both summer and winter breaks, as well as helping store their belongings over summer,” said Sun.
Sun said that many students can not go home for the summer. Private apartment complexes have a transition period between move-in’s due to cleaning. The gap results in renters being without residency for a brief period.
According to the survey 60 percent of international students need to stay over the summer and have nowhere to stay during this time.
It also states 52 percent of students rely on Uber and friends for transportation to the Des Moines International Airport.
Sun addressed possible solutions, including a possible partnership with CyRide to bus students to the Des Moines International Airport as well as an initiative for summer storage for international students.
The Student Government President Julia Campbell, a senior majoring in agriculture business and economics, said she had a meeting with Iowa State University Police Department Chief Michael Newton, where they discussed topics like mental health, as well as 8:01 day.
“We discussed our potential engagement in understanding solutions to 8:01 day and in future years we want to continue to keep the Ames community safe,” said Campbell in regards to 8:01 day practices.
The Student Government will have a joint meeting with the city council to discuss these.
The Student Government passed a bill to fund the Cardinal Eats magazine $3,000 for printing and distribution expenses.
“It is an opportunity for students who want something in design, writing or anything in media they can have an opportunity,” said the President of Cardinal Eats Meg Grice, a senior in public relations.
The Student Government Senate swore in Khushi Patel, a freshman majoring in pre-business, as a residence hall senator for the Inter-Residence Hall Association constituency.
The Student Government also confirm the following as members of the Public Relations Committee:
Hannah Peterson, a junior majoring in event management
Hannah Overman, a sophomore majoring in pre-graphic design
Madeline Becker, a freshman majoring majoring in economics
Jennifer Holliday, a freshman majoring in agricultural and life sciences education
Quentin Slater, a freshman majoring in agricultural and life sciences education
Jamie Hoss, a junior majoring in communication studies
The Student Government holds a meeting every Wednesday in the Campanile room at the Memorial Union.