Academic Success Center offers abundance of support to struggling students


The Academic Success Center offers students services such as tutoring, supplemental instruction and workshops to improve student’s academic skills. 

Jack Mcclellan

At Iowa State University, things have mostly changed back to normal. Classes are in-person, and students are adjusting back to learning in person. As students once again return to the realm of in-person learning, they may find themselves in need of academic support, in which case the Academic Success Center (ASC) offers many resources to students in need.

The ASC is returning to in-person assistance this fall, allowing for more personalized support to help students with their academic troubles. ASC offers services like tutoring, supplemental instruction and even workshops to improve student’s academic skills.

Students can find workshops to help them develop a variety of academic skills. Time management workshops can help students learn to plan out their days to spend adequate amounts of time on coursework and studying. A workshop titled The Study Cycle offers students an opportunity to become more efficient learners. Another workshop educates students on strategies for exam preparation and different study strategies.

Academic Coaching is another service offered through the ASC. Through academic coaches, students receive personalized attention from a professional trained to help facilitate sessions and encourage students toward more positive behavior. Academic Coaching is a service that allows students to meet one on one with an academic coach to consider issues they may be having and potential solutions. 

While Academic Coaching offers support with big picture issues students may experience, tutors can help students with problems they run into in classes and understanding course material. Students can enroll in tutoring sessions costing $5 per session and giving students a chance to meet in a small group of peers with a tutor who has already passed the class at hand.

Students also have access to supplemental instruction, a service offered by the ASC to support over 30 courses. Supplemental Instruction offers weekly study sessions led by students who have completed the applicable course, allowing students to interact with peers while building their knowledge. Supplemental Instruction is available for more than 30 of Iowa State’s traditionally difficult courses. Students who regularly attend supplemental instruction earn on average a half a letter grade higher than those who don’t. 

Psych 131 is a course provided by the ASC offering a one-credit seminar “designed to facilitate students’ development of academic skills, behaviors and attitudes.” The course helps students develop time management skills as well as motivation and planning skills. Psych 131 also teaches students learning strategies for both group and individual settings.

Overall, Iowa State’s Academic Success Center offers an abundance of programs and opportunities for students. Students have chances to learn all the necessary academic skills to succeed in college and get assistance in difficult coursework or concepts—a virtual safety net for students in need.

More information is available on the Academic Success Center’s website.