Iowa State reports increase in week nine COVID-19 numbers
Thielen Student Health Center.
March 29, 2021
Iowa State reported 80 positive COVID-19 cases during the ninth week of spring semester classes.
This number is an increase from what has been seen previously this semester. Prior to this, the highest was 45 cases during the first week of spring semester classes.
The weekly positivity rate for week nine also increased and was reported as 6.15 percent. The overall positivity rate since Jan. 1 is 3.4 percent.
There have been 453 cases on campus during the spring semester. Iowa State has now had 2,572 total reported cases of coronavirus.
Of the new cases, 76 were students and four were staff members.
There are 82 individuals currently in active isolation and 59 have been in quarantine over the past two weeks.
Nine on-campus isolation rooms and eight on-campus quarantine rooms are currently in use.
No COVID-19-related hospitalizations have been reported this semester.
Results will continue to be updated on Iowa State’s COVID-19 dashboard.