News Engagement Day: My love for editing


News Engagement Photo

Morgan Johnson

I became interested in the journalism and mass communications field when I started working for my high school yearbook my junior year.

I fell in love with sharing peoples’ stories, putting together page layouts and taking photos. It only continued to become a bigger part of my life when I became one of the editor-in-chief’s my senior year.

I became responsible for editing and designing layouts which became my favorite part of my job. This is part of what led me to change my major from chemistry to public relations.

After joining the Daily as a copy editor last fall, I realized how much I missed editing and being a part of a journalistic production team.

This is what drew me to apply to be copy chief for the 2018-19 school year. As copy chief, I have the opportunity to help reporters, editors and other news personnel within the Daily organization understand the concepts of AP Style and good news writing. I truly enjoy being able to work with and help others improve their writing skills and make their stories the best they can be.

I spend long hours in the newsroom as copy chief, assisting in the production of the print product. While I enjoy editing stories and teaching others, my favorite part is by far the laughs and jokes between the editors and the overall support everyone has for each other.

A specific time I remember is Annie Wells, news editor of academics, drawing memes on her chalkboard or being a great listener when I need someone to chat with. Another example is when Alex Connor, editor in chief, brings in ice cream when we are here on late nights. From dance parties to joking with the other editors, there is never a dull moment being a part of the Iowa State Daily staff.