Moses Storm Preview

Alex Ryberg

Moses Storm Preview


Taking Iowa State by storm, Moses Storm is coming to the M-Shop this Thursday at 9:00pm (doors open at 8:30pm). Moses is performing stand-up for free to anyone who likes a post-modern satirical comedy style.


Moses Storm was born in the midwest and lived a pretty regular life doing missionary work and traveling with his parents. However, he didn’t see this as his calling. After moving out of his home in the midwest, he travelled to LA to join the comedy community and pursue his dreams. His time in LA has been anything but subtle.


Moses has been seen on Conan many times and is teaming up with Team Coco, Conan’s something, to host Up&Up, a comedy/musical show. He’s also been featured on Arrested Development, About a Boy, and starred in the chilling horror movie, Unfriended.



He has been at numerous comedy clubs performing his stand-up routine. However, his stand-ups are not routine. Moses is a multi-talented artist; no one act is the same. He’s most known for his social experiments he’s done in LA. For example, in pursuit of an extremely exclusive and high security birthday party, he decided to host it at the Chili’s To-Go restaurant located in LAX. To get in, one would need to buy a boarding pass and check through security just to get to the party. Safe to say not a lot of people showed up. But his most notable social experiment did get a lot of people’s attention.


( Terminally Chill Bday Link


The public stunt he is most well-known for was called #modermillennial. The idea behind the stunt was to live completely sustained by crowd-funding. In the intro of his video he explains, “…if the crowd-funding community viewed me as an artist, I could live my mundane, day-to-day life all under the umbrella of performance art.” After he reached his goal, he opened up his apartment, or art exhibit, to the general public. Since he was living in his own exhibit, it was open for 24 hours and he was stuck there. Moses documented the set-up, the entirety of the 2 months he lived there, and the dramatic ending the exhibit saw. When the video was completed, Moses held a private screening before he posted it on YouTube. At the screening, instead of showing the video on the big screen, he provided everyone with a link to the video and instructed them to watch it on their phones.


( #modermillennial documentary link


Not only is this man multi-talented, he’s also an inspiring artist. He will be at the M-Shop at 9:00pm sharp. Admission is free and doors open at 8:30 so come check out what all the thunder is about!