Introducing Daily Dates


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Nicole Miller

Daily Dates is a collection of print pieces and videos, created to facilitate healthy conversations related to communication, affection, exclusivity and sexuality. The overarching concept of Daily Dates is eight different couples, four already dating and four couples of singles paired together, came to the Daily for a recorded video conversation on topics related to dating. Participants then got to go on a date in the Ames area. To get Iowa State students to apply for Daily Dates a few email blasts to students were sent out over a two-week period, with about 1,500 students in total who applied!

My hope is students will read the articles, watch the videos of the couples and singles, and have a better understanding of their fellow peer’s opinions on relationship-related topics. I believe facilitating a healthy conversation on relationship topics is a beneficial way to further one’s own individual understanding on the different topics.

Meet the couples