Editorial: New mayor, new opportunities


John Haila and Victoria Szopinski are the mayoral candidates for the City of Ames. 

Editorial Board

Next Tuesday, Nov. 7, Ames residents will head to the polls and vote for a new mayor. John Haila and Victoria Szopinski are both running for the open mayoral seat and the Editorial Board has some advice for whomever is elected.

Ames has the unique position of being a college town. The city and the university have to work together in order to be a high-functioning and cohesive place that attracts both students and private business. The next mayor of Ames will need to hit the ground running by talking and working with Iowa State’s President-select Wendy Wintersteen. Both the city and Iowa State should work on big projects to increase investment and attract and retain students and professionals of all types.

Students consider many costs before deciding where they attend college. The cost of living, driven significantly by housing costs, can negatively or positively affect a person’s decision on where to study. That is why the city of Ames and Iowa State need to collaborate on issues related to housing affordability. Zoning laws have an effect on the number of people who can live in the areas surrounding campus. Moreover, many new construction efforts require the approval of permits by city officials. The Editorial Board believes the new mayor should actively engage with students to listen and understand their struggles. Then, she or he should work tirelessly to help address the issue and ensure all residents of Ames have quality and affordable housing options.

The city of Ames with the new mayor should work together with Iowa State to help increase inclusion and celebrate diversity throughout our community. Neither the university nor the city can make meaningful progress on diversity and inclusion if they don’t work in tandem. Neo-Nazi and white supremacy posters being placed on campus is not just an Iowa State issue, it is a larger issue that requires the action of an entire community.

If it hasn’t been abundantly clear yet, the Editorial Board wants to see great collaboration between the next mayor and our newest Iowa State president. In a time when people are more divided than ever, let us look to our non-partisan leaders for common sense solutions.